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505 E. Buck Rd
Wilmington, DE, 19807
United States

(302) 472-0021

Christ Church Episcopal Preschool educates young children, creates community among school, families, and church, and honors and nurtures children in the Episcopal tradition. We welcome children aged two to five in small classes where all are affirmed as children of God and are inspired and encouraged to become their best selves—socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. 

The Gala

Please join us for CCEP'S Spring Gala at the Greenville Country Club on May 2, 2025 at 6:00 PM


Join us for a GREAT PARTY!  We will celebrate our amazing preschool, together as a community, with music, food and drinks, amazing silent auction items, and lively live auction bidding on the classroom items created by your children. This year’s ADULTS-ONLY event will be held at the Greenville Country Club on May 2nd from 6pm-10pm. Entertainment by the Philly Keys (the area's best dueling piano band) is sure to have you dancing the night away. Please remember to invite your friends as it is sure to be the best party in town! Valet Parking will be provided.

Live Auction Items:

This year we have 7 classroom items and two sets of front row pews for
Honoring the Stars to auction this year!

Consider sponsorship:

Our Spring Gala is a fun and highly anticipated social event for the entire CCEP community. Your sponsorship will be promoted at the Gala and displayed with any marketing material that you provide.

This event serves as our primary fundraiser. At CCEP, we have high standards for our early education programming. This means we need highly qualified and experienced teachers, an expansive and safe outdoor play space, classroom materials that are developmentally appropriate and which support the curriculum, ongoing professional development for teachers, and a well-equipped facility. These things are costly, but we believe that our children are worth the investment. Research shows that early education makes a lifelong impact on a child’s cognitive and social development. Each dollar raised directly benefits CCEP educational programs.

CCEP is a 501(c)(3) organization; therefore, your donation is tax deductible to the extended permitted by law.

We are grateful to our sponsors for making this event possible, and ensuring that every dollar raised that evening goes to support our school programs.  



Grey Fox Wealth Advisors



The Hompe Foundation

The Independence School

The Walsh Family


Centreville Layton School

The Hirzel Family

Porter Auto Group

Sanford School

Tatnall School

Tower Hill School

Wilmington Friends School



Thank you to our 2024 Gala Sponsors!